Fire Dampers
Fire Dampers
Fire dampers are used to prevent fire and smoke from spreading through openings in walls, ceilings, floors, and partitions. These dampers are tested and classified according to UL standards. There are five types of life safety dampers.
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Fire Dampers
Building codes mandate the use of fire dampers to ensure that the fire resistance ratings of walls, partitions, barriers, and floors are maintained when penetrated by ducts or other air transfer openings. Fire dampers are classified by UL 555 and rated for fire resistance for either 1½ or 3 hours. Fire dampers are divided into two categories:
Smoke Dampers
Smoke Dampers have two applications:
1 Prevent the circulation of air and smoke in a smoke barrier via ducts or ventilation openings as part of a passive smoke control system.
2 One way to control the spread of smoke is by using walls and floors as barriers. Another method is to utilize the building's HVAC system and/or dedicated fans to create pressure differences in an engineered smoke control system.
Smoke Dampers
Smoke dampers are used in HVAC to protect ducts and air transfer openings through fire and smoke-rated walls and floors. These dampers are classified by UL 555 and UL 555S.
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