Control Dampers


Control Dampers

Dampers are devices that regulate the airflow in an HVAC system, controlling the intake, exhaust, or mixed air applications. The three main energy codes related to dampers are ASHRAE Standard 90.1, California Title 24, and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). All the volume control dampers in this section meet the standards set by these codes.

Key Points:

Commercial Control Dampers

Control dampers play a crucial role in regulating the flow of air in HVAC systems. They are commonly used in intake, exhaust, or mixed air applications, and they are designed to meet the requirements of ASHRAE, California Title 24, and IECC.

Insulated Thermally Broken Control Dampers

The ICD series seems like a great choice for applications where minimizing thermal transfer and minimizing condensation is important. It is always good to have products that meet specific needs and requirements.

Face and Bypass Control Dampers

Face and bypass dampers are connected together in applications where one damper opens while the other closes.

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